21″ x 39″ – oil on canvas in cypress floating frame – 2019
I respect this man very much… Prof. Jordan Peterson. I recomend to read his book…
18″W x 24″H – Linoleum print – 1997
The real face of democracy shown itself.
In my eye Mr. Chretien, the then prime minister of Canada, acted like a pompous king when he was asked about the brutal handling of the demonstrators by the RCMP. ; “For me, pepper, I put it on my plate.”
I do not think that the Canadian people deserved this treatment for a well known dictator, Suharto, who was deposed by his own people in seven months later.
22″ x 53″ – oil on canvas – 2017
Any time I am out during the night I always look up to the sky and marvel the vastness of the Universe. Always this question come to my mind… are we alone… so in this painting I tried to capture this feeling. I wonder if you can relate to this matter.
13″W x 21″H – Oil on wrepping paper – 1995
24″H x 30″W – Oil on wrapping paper – 1994 STOLEN
This small waterfall is in the Arrow Head provincial park. It took me three hours to complete this painting on site.
This painting was stolen from me.
A man, named Gary Kenner from P.E., contacted me that he would like to buy this painting for his new home. We had agreed in the price, it was I think $250, but after sending to the address (8 Costello Lane, Charlottetown, PE C1A 2K6) I was given, I did not get any response. So if you see this painting somewhere please let me know. I would like to reclaim it. Thanks!
24″W x 30″H – Oil on wrapping paper – 1994
14″ x 14″ – acrylic on canvas with white pearl – 2020 SOLD
24″H x 22″W – oil on pressboard – 2024 SOLD
He is carrying our cross… because we all have one!
12″W x 12″H – acrylic on canvas – 2020
There are many stars died in our celestial neighborhood. More than a dozen of this type of ‘celestial paintings’, are just a few thousand light-years away. One day in the distant future our sun will do the same things… will make its own ‘painting… so more heavy elements will be produced…
20″W x 24″H – acrylic on canvas – 2020 SOLD
24″ dia. – acrylic on pressboard – 2020
24″ dia. – Acrylic on pressboard – 2020
24″ x 18″ – acrylic on canvas – 2020
12″ x 12″ (in 21″ x 21″ frame) – acrylic on canvas – 2020
7″ x 5″ (in 10″ x 10″ frame) – acrylic on canvas – 2020
5″ x 7″ (in 10″ x 10″ frame) – acrylic on canvas – 2020
24″ x 18″ – acrylic on canvas – 2020
14″ x 14″ – acrylic – 2020
14″ x 14″ acrylic – 2020 SOLD
24″dia. – acrylic – 2020
7″ x 5″ – acrylic on canvas – 2020
12″ x 12″ – acrylic on canvas – 2020
The pandemic that started last year in November in China now devastated 180 countries. Many hundred thousand had perished. It may not appeal to you but I wanted to make a point of this event… and hope to avoid it…
10″ x 10″ – acrylic on canvas – 2020
12″ x 12″ – acrylic on canvas – 2020
18″W x 24″H – acrylic on canvas – 2020
18″ x 36″ – oil on canvas – 2018
it was interesting to see how the heavy clouds moved over the island of Cozumel just 20Km and we got not a drop of it.
20″ x 24″ – oil on canvas – 2016
I hope this picture will not ‘offend’ you.
After I made those two still-lives, ‘Fruit, Flower & 0.357 Magnum’ (which has found a home in Brazil) and the ‘Yellow Tulips, Fruits and a Deadly Threat’, one of my respected artist friends asked me “Paint something beautiful – like just a flower…”
As you know me by-now I need to have something different to show or may not to show anything at all. So, when my wife got a few tulips from her girl friend; and as the petals was falling off of them they revealed their inner sanctity, then I decided to show the ‘sexy reproductive organs’ of a tulip if you allow me to call it as it is.
The delicacy of the stamens and the stigma, the color variation of the petals around them are so beautiful that this is what I wanted to capture. Now I know that is far-far from the beauty of my very much loved and in my opinion the greatest American painter Georgia O’Keeffe’s flower paintings … but … practice may help.
I just look outside and though the sun is shining but the Hg shows – 15C, so it is a few more months before I could work in my sculpting studio.
Hold warm thoughts, have a few laughs, have a Margarita in your hand and think about those warm summer days that will come.
24″W x 30″H – Oil on wrapping paper – 1994
What is more important; Love, Food or Power…
16″ x 20″ – Oil on canvas – 2015 – SOLD I am not sure if this painting appeals to you. But I wanted to show that not everything is OK at the end of 2015.
We came so far from the caves of Altamira and the recent news is that the WWIII could star at anytime. How could be that we as a species cannot live in harmony.
Way is that some of us think that they are superior, deserve more, need to be served by the rest of us… because they believe God make them ‘special’ … now you know why I cannot belong to any religion.
What is it that wrongly ’wired’ in our brain…
So, what I wanted to show the harmony we could have by the flower (especially that Poinsettia is representing the holiday season) and the fruits … but should we have a gun to protect ourselves when the system stop to function. Riot, looting, food-shortage, and then I have to protect my home and loved ones. How will I (you) do that? Interestingly this painting was sold and ended up in Brazil.
24″W x 30″H – Oil (on wrapping paper) – 1993
I do not believe all the hype about “free trade”. I sincerely believe that the overall benefit of producing goods on the other side of world and then delivering them to here is not beneficial to Nature.
It is beneficial for the few who exploit the under-developed nations’ labor force. But I can see how the living standard of this country (Canada) has shrunken due to the loss of industrial works.
The statistics only say how many new jobs were created, but they do not state how many were lost. The statistics do not say the value of the lost work in $ and the value of the new jobs in $ to the general public.
Those workers who lost their jobs as machine operators or tool and die makers, because the factory moved to the other side of the world, will never regain their pride, that they can carry their family through their work.
( Read the book called “Small is Beautiful” by E.F. Schumacher and you know what I am talking about.) I know, I think too much!
24″W x 30″ H – Oil on bristleboard – 1994
I do not believe all the hype about “free trade”. I sincerely believe that the overall benefit of producing goods on the other side of world and then delivering them to here is not beneficial to Nature.
It is beneficial for the few who exploit the under-developed nations’ labor force. But I can see how the living standard of this country (Canada) has shrunken due to the loss of industrial works.
The statistics only say how many new jobs were created, but they do not state how many were lost. The statistics do not say the value of the lost work in $ and the value of the new jobs in $ to the general public.
Those workers who lost their jobs as machine operators of tool and die makers, because the factory moved to the other side of the world, will never regain their pride, that they can carry their family through their work.
( Read the book called “Small is Beautiful” by E.F. Schumacher and you know what I am talking about.) {I know, I think too much!}
12″ x 12″ – acrylic on canvas – 2020
16″H x 20″W – oil on canvas – 2015
16″H x 20″W – oil on canvas – 2015 (SOLD)
20″ x 16″ – Oil on canvas – 2015
16″H x 20″W – oil on canvas – 2015
16″H x 20″W – oil on canvas – 2015
16″H x 20W – oil on canvas – 2015
16″H x 20″W – oil on canvas – 2015 (SOLD)
16″H x 20″W – oil on canvas – 2015
15″W x 30″H – Oil on wrapping paper – 1994
14W x 11H – acrylic on canvas – 2020
My reoccurring subject… as a huge star runs out of its fuel it blows up as a supper-nova and there where all the heavy elements made. In our celestial neighborhood, there are a few of these. Our sun will one day also have this fate…
20″W x 16″H – acrylic on canvas – 2020
16″W x 20″H – acrylic on canvas – 2020
24’W x 30″H – Oil on bristleboard – 1994
20″H x 24″W – Oil on bristleboard – 2011
24″ x 18″ – oil on canvas – 2016
This was the view of Cozumel where we stayed at the Maya Riviera.
24″W x 18″H – Oil on bristleboard – 2011
18″ x 24″ – oil on cancas – 2018
24″W x 20″H – oil on canvas – 2016 It was a hazy day and we were looking over to Maracas Bay which is the one that hardly seen. I was very much impressed by the Cocoa trees on the island. That is the branch that hangs over the top. Our host made some chocletmilk from the freshly ground cocoa. I still feel the taste of that marvelous drink.
24″W x 20″H – oil on canvas – 2016 It was a hazy day and we were standing a few hundred feet above the sea. The closest point of Venezuela is appox. 30km away but we could not even see the horizon, it was so hazy. In the foreground I painted a papaya tree. It was very interesting how the big fruits were hanging on the trunk of the tree. It really have impressed me.
2 X 20″H x 24″W (Overall 20″ x 48″) – oil on canvas – 2016 SOLD
It was late morning when we got there. The sun was behind us and it was breathtaking to stand at the shore and look toward to Canada, some 2000 miles up north. We should all live in a warmer climate…
51″ x 21″ – oil on (3) canvas – 2017 The subject matter of this painting is slowly percolating in me for a long time.
I did not know how to convey my most inner feelings re our times.
Everything seems OK here where we are, but our doors are open and who knows what will ‘walk over’ through there.
You may not like this picture because though seems a very idyllic morning view but what is happening around the world one needs to be prepared.
No I am not going into politics but I have a question. How far would you go for your loved ones?
16″ x 20″ – Oil on canvas – 2015
12″W x 12H – acrylic on canvas – 2020
20″W x 16″H – acrylic – 2020, paintng
12″W x 16″H (In 17″W x 21″H frame) – acrylic on canvas – 2019/20 SOLD
12″W x 24″H – Oil on wrapping paper – 1994
Was he the first alcoholic? I would not be surprised, after the forty days of devastation, who could have stayed sober???
16″ x 12″ – acrylic – 2020 SOLD
16″W x 12″H – acrylic on canvas – 2020
22W” x 24″H – Oil on bristleboard – 1996
I am not a religious man (thank God), but as you have most probably noticed the human element is what makes me go back and back again to the Bible. We all have a cross to carry. Haven’t we??
18″ x 36″ – oil – 2016
12″W x 30″H – Oil on bristleboard – 1994
24″W x 32″H – Oil on bristleboard – 2008
24″ x 18″ – oil on canvas – 2016 Every early morning i was on the beach waiting for the sun to come up. It is magnificent as our planet turned into the view of the sun giving the impression that the sun is rising. The colors are so beautiful that it is almost trashy but … it is breathtaking. So I made this painting as part of my learning experience.
12″ x 12″ – acrylic – 2020
12″H x 16″W – Oil on loose canvas – 1996
This small island is in the Killbear provincial park, facing the Beaver Dam camp site. I loved to swim to the island when we were camping there.
16″ X 20″ – oil on canvas – 2015 SOLD
One of my dear friend, Attila Zalanyi, had a drawing of this situation. I liked the idea that the woman seducing the devil, just as a revenge for the ‘original’ sin’. I made this painting based on his concept. I hope he will not mind and you the viewer will understand my intention… PS.: I made this copper frame specially for this picture.
16″ x 20″ – Oil on canvas – 2015
This is the my first self portrait at age 69
20″ x 16″ – oil on canvas – 2016 (SOLD)
We were sitting under these magnificent trees, which are called interestingly – Sea Grape tree. Oh yes we had some very good tequila “1800”.
12″ x 12″ (in 14″ x 14″ frame) – acrylic – 2020
12 prints of 6″x 6″ linoleum cuts assembled into one 18″W x 24″H picture.
I wanted to express the sorrow of the last walk of Jesus through the expression of the hands and heads. I have made a few copies of these arrangement and who knows where they are…
18″ x 36″ – oil on canvas – 2017 (SOLD)
12″H x 16″W without the frame – Acrylic on canvas – 2011 It has ended up at England.
12″H x 16″W without the frame – Acrylique on canvas – 2011
12″ x 12″ – acrylic on canvas – 2020 SOLD
49″W x 8″H – acrylic – 2020 SOLD
16″ x 20″ – Acrylic on canvas – 2020
24″ x 18″ – color pencil – 1994/2022
12″ x12″ – Acrylic – 2020 SOLD
16″ x 20″ – acrylic on canvas -2019
24″ x 48″ – oil on (2) canvas – 2016
This is the way I saw the lighthouse of Peggy’s Cove.
23″ x 27″ – oil on canvas in cypress floating frame – 2019
As the title say I very much respect Prof. Jordan Peterson. He is one and maybe the only one who give good advice to young people, being male or female. I bought and read his ’12 rule to life’ just to see how close I spent my now 72 years. And interestingly I did it very close to his guidance. I made this painting to be hanged at my studio in respect to him.
20″ x 16″ – oil on canvas – 2016 (SOLD) It was a magnificent sight! The storm went through Cozumel but, we on the shore of the Yucatan peninsula, did not get a drop of it. The sun was just ‘kissing our shore’.
24″W x 30″H – Oil on loose canvas – 1997
These two trees are also in the Killbear provincial park. Memorize this picture and look for it when you go there next time…
12″ x 12″ – acrylic – 2021
24″W x 30″H – Oil on loose canvas – 1997
Some time ago we owned a cottage up north on Gull lake. This was the view as I recall from years distance…
20″ x 16″ – oil on canvas – 2016 This was the sea grape tree we were ‘sunning’ under. The leafs of the tree had ‘all the greens’ as they were soaking up the heat of the sun. I did not get burned…
18″ x 36″ – oil on canvas – 2017 (SOLD)
12″ x 12″ – Acrylic on canvas – 2020
24″ x 30″ – oil on pressboard in cypress floating frame – 2019
I thing everyone has this moment in their life…’Why Me’.
I made the sketch for this position some 45 years ago when I left my birth place Hungary. I could not go back at that time because I would have been jailed… and I wanted only study the great artist’s works at Italy. Looking back I did not have too many times that I felt that way in my life. I was, so far, fortunate if I may use this word. Apparently this picture was rejected at a gallery here in Toronto just a few weeks ago… due to its nudity. It seems that at somehow we are turning back to the ‘dark ages’. With this very ‘twisted pose’ of the legs I wanted to express the pain, anxiety and the unwavering belief of Job.
20″ x 24″ – oil on canvas – 2016 (SOLD)
As you may have noticed I always have to communicate something in my art. I cannot take the chisel, bend a copper sheet or take the brush without knowing what I would like to say.
Now that I had sold the “Flowers, Fruit & 0.357 Magnum”, I made another painting which may also rise your eyebrows.
One of my dear friends was working for an Italian company as the CEO in Mexico in the mid 90es. He was very successful establishing and running the company; he had some 200 people employed. He was living with his family in one of the ‘safe suburb’ of Mexico City in a gated community.
One day when they went home he had found a ‘standing’ revolver bullet on their dining table. For the first sight this bullet is a very insignificant thing by appearance but has a very serious significance. It is a way to indicate a dead threat in Mexico.
Knowing the meaning of this ‘simple warning’ he had sent his wife and two daughters back to Canada within two days and he gave up his position and left Mexico within a month.
Usually one reads this kind of stories in books but this state of affairs had happened to my friend.
Knowing his story I wanted to show the tranquility of the place with bright color of the wall, the white curtain/table-cloth, the calm sea (which cannot be seen from Mexico City) with the large yellow tulips and the fruits and contrasting this idyllic scene with a single standing bullet which after noticing it become the ‘focal point’ of this painting.
16″ x 20″ – Oil on canvas – 2015 This is a reoccurring subject to me. I made a few versions of these two old men whom at the end of the story got what they deserved… they got stoned!